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How the New AI Policy Will Impact Brisbane-Based Government Agencies

AI Governance & Risk AGI AI Revolution Aug 25, 2024 11:57:03 PM Steven Muir-McCarey 4 min read

AI in Government Policy, generated by DALL-E.

The Australian Federal Government has just announced its new "AI in Government Policy," set to take effect on 1 September 2024. This is significant news for Brisbane-based government agencies and the wider public sector across Australia. The policy lays out clear mandates for Federal Government entities, including those operating in Brisbane, to ensure the responsible and transparent use of AI technologies.

While the policy has broad national implications, it’s worth honing in on what this means specifically for government agencies here in Brisbane.

Note: You can download the policy here https://www.digital.gov.au/policy/ai/policy 

Key Aspects of the Policy

At its core, the policy mandates that:

  • Appointment of an AI Lead
    Every Federal agency must designate a person or chair a committee directly responsible for AI in their organisation. This appointment must happen within the next 90 days, by 30 November 2024 (p.11).
  • AI Transparency Statement
    Agencies must publicly publish a transparency statement that outlines their approach to AI adoption and use by 28 February 2025 (p.13).
  • AI Risk Management
    Agencies are encouraged to participate in the AI Assurance Framework pilot and integrate AI considerations into existing risk management frameworks, ensuring that AI use is ethical, responsible, and transparent (p.13).
  • Staff Training
    Agencies are strongly recommended to implement AI fundamentals training for all staff within 6 months, with additional training for those directly involved in AI systems procurement, development, and deployment (p.12).
  • Annual Reviews
    Agencies must review and update their AI transparency statements annually, or sooner if significant changes occur in their AI use (p.13).
  • Generative AI Guidance
    Specific guidelines must be followed for the use of generative AI, ensuring it aligns with ethical standards and mitigates risks (p.13).

With Brisbane being home to numerous federal and regional offices, the ripple effect from this policy is bound to be felt strongly in the Queensland capital.

Short-Term Challenges

One of the most immediate challenges for Brisbane-based government agencies is meeting the tight deadlines laid out in the policy. The 90-day window to appoint an AI lead means agencies must quickly identify individuals or teams who can manage AI oversight and governance. This could lead to a scramble, especially as the pool of experienced AI professionals in Australia is limited. With only a handful of qualified AI leaders available locally, we could see a talent drain and a spike in demand for AI expertise.

Talent Shortages and Market Pressures

Brisbane’s AI talent pool is already small, and this policy will put additional pressure on the local job market. Salaries for AI professionals are likely to soar as both government agencies and private companies scramble to secure skilled individuals who can fulfil these new roles. Moreover, Brisbane’s strong ties to tech hubs like Fortitude Valley may make the competition for talent even fiercer, as AI experts are pulled into both public and private sector opportunities.

Influence on State and Local Governments

While this policy is primarily directed at Federal agencies, it’s likely that Brisbane-based State and Local Government bodies will soon follow suit. The Queensland Government, already a tech-forward state, may implement similar policies in a bid to align with federal AI practices and ensure consistency across different levels of government.

For Brisbane’s 26 Local Government Areas (LGAs), such as Brisbane City Council, the precedent set by Federal agencies could prompt the introduction of their own AI governance frameworks. With 500+ LGAs across Australia, a wave of AI policy adoption could be imminent, creating additional pressure on Brisbane’s public sector to stay ahead of the curve (Policy for the Responsible Use of AI in Government, p.8).

Ripple Effect for Brisbane Businesses

Beyond government agencies, businesses in Brisbane that provide services to the government will likely feel the impact of this policy. Companies offering AI-driven solutions will need to demonstrate their compliance with AI governance requirements. Government agencies, led by their new AI leads, will likely demand more transparency and assurances from their suppliers about how AI is being used responsibly within the supply chain.

This could have a knock-on effect across a range of industries in Brisbane, particularly tech companies, consulting firms, and software providers that supply AI systems to government entities.

Building Public Trust Through Transparency

A significant aim of the policy is to bolster public trust in the use of AI by government agencies. Brisbane’s local communities, which have historically voiced concerns about data privacy and government surveillance, may feel more assured by the transparency measures outlined in the policy. By publishing AI Transparency Statements, agencies can demonstrate that they are using AI in a way that is ethical, safe, and beneficial to the public (Policy for the Responsible Use of AI in Government, p.6).

This emphasis on public accountability could also encourage more open dialogues between government agencies and the community, helping to ease concerns about the potential misuse of AI technologies.

Long-Term Benefits for Brisbane

In the long term, Brisbane stands to benefit from the structured and responsible rollout of AI. With a clear framework in place, local government agencies will be able to harness the full potential of AI to improve service delivery, streamline operations, and make data-driven decisions that benefit Brisbane’s growing population.

From improved traffic management to enhanced public safety initiatives, the responsible use of AI has the potential to deliver transformative outcomes for the city. Additionally, by embracing these AI innovations in a controlled, transparent manner, Brisbane can position itself as a leader in AI governance across Australia.

Final Thoughts

The Federal Government’s new AI policy represents a turning point for Brisbane-based government agencies. While the short-term challenges, particularly in terms of talent acquisition and meeting tight deadlines, will be significant, the long-term benefits are clear. Brisbane has the potential to be at the forefront of responsible AI use in government, setting a benchmark for other cities to follow.

As agencies across the city gear up for the changes ahead, the broader Brisbane community will be watching closely to see how AI is integrated into public sector operations and how it can enhance everyday life in Queensland’s vibrant capital.

Steven Muir-McCarey

Steve has over 20 years' experience selling, building markets and managing partner ecosystems with enterprise organisations in Cyber, Integration and Infrastructure space.